Wednesday, May 14, 2014

When God Opens Doors, Walk Through Them...

The last week has been a whirlwind of emotions to say the least. 

During an IVF cycle you have monitoring appointments to watch over and make sure the stimulation drugs are doing their job just right. We have had 4 monitoring appointments between last Wednesday and today (that equals (4), 4 hour round trips early morning to beat rush hour).  During an IVF cycle it is also unclear how your body will react to the stimulation meds, each cycle can be different; this has been our experience thus far. (At all monitoring appointments they do a blood draw to test your estradiol 2 level (estrogen) as well as an ultrasound to see how many follicles, (follicles are fluid filled sacs that should hold the eggs) the size(s) and check your uterine lining thickness.)

Monitoring Appointment Summary:
5/7/14:  Showed 6 follicles that could be measured (2 right, 4 left) still early in development. Estrogen level was lower than it should be.  I was upped to a much higher dose 2x/day.
5/10/14: Showed closer to 8 follicles that could be measured (2 right, 6 left) sizing was better and closer together. Estrogen level was still lower than it should be. Continue high dosage.
5/12/14:  Showed 6 follicles (2 right, 4 left). Sizing showed that possibly 4 would reach maturity.
 *You cannot attempt to fertilize an egg unless it is mature
5/13/14: Showed 6 follicles (2 right, 4 left). Sizing showed that only 3 would reach maturity.
The way it works after your monitoring appointment is that the IVF nurses and Dr’s all get together, go over your monitoring results and discuss moving forward any changes or when you will be ready to take your “trigger” shot. (This gets the eggs inside the follicles ready for retrieval; retrieval happens 36 hours after HCG “trigger” shot).

 Our nurse came in and had the conversation that we thought was coming with our low number of mature eggs/follicles.  She asked us our thoughts on moving forward. I of course started balling, as I have been feeling like the cancellation of our cycle was coming.  When you don’t know the future or what is going to happen…I tend to revert back to the past and compare. Well in our last cycle we retrieved 8 eggs of which 7 were mature and only 4 fertilized (we have sperm quality issues as well).  My heart sank knowing yesterday morning that we only the potential for 3 mature looking eggs and what if none fertilize?  We have spent so much money up to this point, however hadn't really gotten to the “real” expensive part yet. I feel good, have done acupuncture, etc. but why is my body not responding to the meds well this time? Are we better off to cancel and try in a month again and see if I react differently? The flood of emotions, questions was all too much.  We decided to head back to and asked our nurse to discuss with our Dr and see what his stance was.  The clinics typical rule is that they cancel the cycle if there are less than 3 mature follicles. There we sat…right at the border line with a big decision.

As we got into the car, I thought…there is always the exception to the rule and maybe that is us.  Kris and I prayed really hard, we cried really hard and then prayed really hard again.  The longer we drove, the more we began to think…we have worked so hard for these follicles and how could we just cancel and be done. What if God is only giving us what we need for it work?  Neither of us admitted until we went to bed last night; however both of us were feeling we need to move forward and see what happens. We were hurt and broken last cycle, we were hurt and broken yesterday…we know the odds are against us…however, let’s see what happens! God can work miracles.

All afternoon as I got back to work I felt so exhausted. Around 1:45pm the number from the clinic popped up on my phone and my heart sank.  It was the nurse stating that our Dr. without hesitation wanted to move forward with the cycle and that he wanted us to stimulate one more day to see if we could get even one of the smaller borderline follicles to reach a mature level.  WHAT? This hadn't even been a thought in our mind or an option.  Our Dr. had tested a couple of other blood levels (still not sure why) and apparently they came back good and where he wanted them. As I spoke to the nurse, I realized we had headed out after our appointment and back without even thinking if we needed any more meds? We were either supposed be cancelled or taking the HCG shot that night.  Our local pharmacies can’t get them in time! The nurse had the meds at the clinic and so Kris drove back down to the clinic after only being back for 2 hours to get the meds.  Bless his soul, after getting up at 4am he had made (2) 4 hour round trips- 8 hours total of driving.
Earlier, when we got back to Alexandria and headed into work, we both said…we will go with whatever our Dr says. We both prayed that God give us a big sign of what his will is for this cycle and that he speak to us through our Dr and the call we knew we would get yesterday afternoon. 

All that I can do is keep walking through the doors that the lord keeps opening. Trust him completely. Never lose Faith.  Believe in Miracles.

This cycle has been different than every expectation I had going into it, it has been trying, it has been overly emotional and it has made us hope and believe more than we thought we already did. We know God is working through us…we don’t know the end result or exactly why, however we trust it will be big and we feel God’s presence with us.

Now we wait for the clinic to hopefully call today and tell us to take the HCG “trigger” shot tonight.  The next step/hurdle will be the egg retrieval Friday and leaving with a few good quality eggs that are mature enough to attempt fertilization. 

We are focusing on one step at a time, one small success at a time, and reminding ourselves of how much God loves us.

Thank you to all who are praying with us, we truly can feel it and it means more to us than you will ever know.

Kris & Megan  

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